"Just because I'm not perfect doesn't mean I can't be the best of myself..."


I'm quite glad to make this one out.
I love writing so damn much!
When I write something, it's just like a flood,
NOTHING can stop it.
I just write what i think about,
what I'm familiar with, and what I'm passionate about.
please enjoy ^^
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men "
Colossians 3:23

1 Got a bad news !

I got a phonecall from my mother lastnite..she said that my grandma's almost dying :(
wel..it's not such a good news to hear..but it's the time right huh?!
Actually gw brasa kaya dtimpa stumpuk beban saat ini..
bkn cm krn berita opung gw yg ud dlm kondisi 'sekarat' tp jg krn gw d haruskan hrs ikut ke Medan BESOK!
i'm supposed to go as i am her first grandchild,they said so !
U know it might sound great to go out of this city include with my routin but I swear, It's not the right time go .. senen&selasa gw UTS , TUGAS PAPER gw yg bwat senen slasa jg masi bjibun bgt..bru kesentuh 4lembar kayanya :( , tugas gw di kantor jg masi numpuk abiss...jadwal shift gw bwat mnggu dpn jg alamat gk ada yg bs gantiin krn bnyk pegawai2 yg lg pd sbuk ujian dan skripsi ..huwaaaa masa iya kantor hrs tutup gr2 gw??
(Hmpff... tariik napass donz ! gk blh treak-treak kaya bocah lagee..)

I definitely turned on some bad mood ..
For 99% of the time I do complain and even whine about all the things that have to be done for today...
Secaraa gituuu(pake logat anak gaol jmn skr)...gw harus kilat nyelesein paper2 gw malem ini jg !
ngebayang dh ni ntr malem lagi2 kudu dtemenin sm ribuan cangkir kopi dan kertas2 yg berserakan (lebay mode ON)..
i don't even have my saturday nite..either my weekend !

On the other side gw seneng jg sii bs pulang ke bekasi n ktemu sm kluarga stelah sebulan gk plg..dan baru dprediksi bln dpn gw bklan plg..tp yaa gk hrs dgn cara opung gw kaya gini jg lah...hiks..
Dear Lord, please give all d best for my grandma..
whether You want to heal her or let her go to Your House ...
Gw gak mao pasrah tp berserah aja untuk smua keadaan ini ...

And hope gw DIBOLEHIN ikut UTS susulan mnggu dpn ..huhuh mslhnya setau gw ntu dosen yg trmasuk killer dan gbs d ajk kompromi klo soal nilai dan yg nyusul2 gt..
but whatever lahh..one thing for sure My grandma is the most important !

Lord,..please..bless me and my lovely family..

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