"Just because I'm not perfect doesn't mean I can't be the best of myself..."
I'm quite glad to make this one out.
I love writing so damn much!
When I write something, it's just like a flood,
NOTHING can stop it.
I just write what i think about,
what I'm familiar with, and what I'm passionate about.
please enjoy ^^
Gbu"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men "
Colossians 3:23
I love writing so damn much!
When I write something, it's just like a flood,
NOTHING can stop it.
I just write what i think about,
what I'm familiar with, and what I'm passionate about.
please enjoy ^^
Gbu"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men "
Colossians 3:23
0 Family Time
By the donna's on Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wuuuaahhh senangnyaah berkumpul bersama keluarga besar walopun cm semalem..
Dan gw pun brasa ky artis beken yg ditunggu-tunggu kdatangannya dr luarkota..
then cuma dtg sehari trus cabut lg bsoknya..krn harus kuliah ,,hiks..
But I enjoyed the night !
My Grandma's Birthday Party !
Katanya oma sii itu yg ke-88tahun..tp klo kata anak bungsunya itu yg ke-79tahun!
Well..maklumlaah org jaman dulu kan gada akte klahirannya..
jd aja ngasal..beuh bs gituu yaa umur sndiri kok bs lupa..saking tuanya cuy!
Yang pasti OMA teteup D'BEST laah bwat kita smua !
hohoho..bayangin aja udh setua itu tp masi seger bgt klo ngomel-ngomel(loh kok?!)
masi kuat jg naik ke atas bangku buat naro koper ke atas lemari...huff gw ngebayangin ajj brasa ngeri sndiri..HARDCORE laah pokonya nenek gw ..hahaah.
That's why gw sm cucu-cucu lain yg tinggal d luarkota bela2in dateng ke Ultahnya walopun kudu naek bus 4jam ,yg ekonomi pula..macet,,panassnya ampun-ampunan..plus harus duduk disebelah nya tukang tahu yg genggers abiss..bau kringet pula ntu orang pake nyender2 sgala tidurnya...hiks(jd curhat kn tuh gw)
Yeahh..finally smuanya kebayar kok pas ultah oma !
We got such a great fun !
Gw sayang banget sama nenek gw yg satu itu..scara dr kecil klo ad apa2 gw pasti kaburnya ke rumah dia..mpe skarang pun klo lg kesel sm bonyok pasti ngabritnya ke rumah oma..hihii
So, i can't even imagine apa kbrnya hdup gw klo oma udh gk ada..
(Jangan duluu yaa Tuhann..aku mau bales smua kebaikan oma dulu ..amiin!)
At last.. here's the picts when MY GRANDMA'S BDAY !
Walopun kbnyakan fto gw sm adek-adek n spupu2 gw..hohow!
(omanya lg ribet sm tamu wktu itu..mkanya susah bwt fto..hhe asoy lah oma gw!)